This site contains the defintion of Media Entertainment Core (MEC) Metadata

The Entertainment Merchant’s Association (EMA) and the Digital Entertainment Group (DEG), in conjuncation with MovieLabs, have defined this format for transferring metadata from Publishers to Retailers.

Full documentation is a combination of the written document and the XML Schema itself.



  • Media Entertainment CoreMetadata,TR-META-MEC, v2.8, December 14, 2019 (PDF)
    • Version showing changes from v2.6 (PDF) [There was no 2.7 spec, just schema]


'mec' Schema Version 2.11

Only the schema was updated for 2.11. This incorporates changes from Common Metadata v2.11.

'mec' Schema Version 2.10

Only the schema was updated for 2.10. This incorporates changes from Common Metadata v2.10.

'mec' Schema Version 2.9

Only the schema was updated for 2.9. This incorporates changes from Common Metadata v2.9.

'mec' Schema Version 2.8

Release History

A full release history including change lists and deprecated versions can be found here.


Educational Materials

We have created videos that explain concepts. An introduction to metadata can be found here. The full class is here.

Controlled Vocabularies

VALIDATOR and Tool Suite

Information and links to the MDDF Validator are here: www.movielabs.com/md/validator.

The Tool Suite, including an online validator are at mddf.movielabs.com.


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