Specs and Resources: Production Technology

Visual Language 

The MovieLabs Visual Language Project​

Building on the data structures contained within the MovieLabs Ontology for Media Creation , the Visual Language provides a standardized way to illustrate and share workflows diagrams. Workflows can be complex and drawing them out helps people and organizations understand how the tasks, participants and assets in a workflow are related and the underlying infrastructure to run it all on.​

​The Visual Language for Media Creation also includes a set of icons which are unique to our industry and contain ideas and concepts that normal icon libraries do not include like narrative scene, character or depiction.​

In addition the Visual Language defines lines that can be used to describe the relationships between elements.

Meaning of Lines

​The Visual Language is provided free of charge by MovieLabs and under a creative commons license which is defined in the documents. The Visual Language can be used by anyone who needs to diagram workflows in popular software tools such Microsoft Visio, PowerPoint or Lucidchart or for software developers that want to integrate this emerging industry standard for their own software workflow builders, management systems or reporting tools.

The Visual Language download is a zip folder which contains the following documents:

Definition and Guide: This document describes the various shapes, labels, and icons as well as the lines and arrowheads used to connect shapes in the language. This document also describes the best practices and the connection between the visual language and the common ontology.

Resources: This is a set of resources to use the language including icons, shapes, and libraries (with common file formats like SVG and PNG assets).

Templates: The final package is a set of templates in various diagramming or presentation tools. The current templates are in LucidChart, PowerPoint and Visio. Please note that due to a recent regression in SVG import behavior in Lucid Chart we have updated our lucid template to include all icons and shapes. Using the SVGs in the package results in corrupted shapes on import. We are working with Lucid Chart on a resolution.


Download Asset Package (v1.1.1)

Visual Elements (PNG and SVG) and Templates (Visio and Powerpoint) 

PowerPoint Template

Icons and Shapes ready to be used in Microsoft PowerPoint