
For automation of digital workflows and supply chain efficiency, MovieLabs recommends adoption of a suite of compatible standards and specifications. They cover core aspects of online distribution, including identification, metadata, avails, asset delivery, and reporting. Developed and delivered through industry collaboration, these standards and technologies enable automation, cost reduction, and improved consumer experiences across the industry. Collectively, we call these the MovieLabs Digital Distribution Framework.

MDDF offers Unique Identification, Scalable and Localizable Metadata, Precise Licensing (Avails and Title Lists), Efficient Delivery, Delivery Process Support, Engaging Digital Extras and Reporting.

MDDF is based on a cohesive set of specifications that support business models and promote efficiency across interrelated entertainment workflows.

Base Specifications

  • Common Metadata - Descriptive and Technical Metadata. Common definitions for other specifications such as Media Entertainment Core (MEC), Common Media Manifest, Avails and EIDR.
  • Common Media Manifest - Definition of relationships between content and associated metadata. Based spec for delivery (MMC) and interactivty (CPE)
  • Asset Ordering, Delivery and Tracking - Definition of information exchanged between studios, platforms and service providers to deliver assets. Includes asset availabilty, asset requests/orders and tracking/status/errors.
  • Entertainment IDentifier Registry (EIDR) - Unique and appropriately specific content identifiers

Application Specifications


  • EMA Avails and Title List - Formal definition of business rules associated with content availability. This specification supports all business models (TVOD, SVOD, AVOD, D2C, etc.)

Content Delivery

Extras and Interactivity


  • Common Metadata Content Ratings - Common representation used to encode content ratings. Includes all known government mandated and most commonly used ratings systems.

Controlled Vocabularies

Controlled vocabularies allow terms to be used and encoded consistently. Each specification includes its own controlled vocabularies. Additionally, controlled vocabularies are provided as follows

VALIDATOR and Tool Suite

MDDF tools includes tools including validators and translators. Information about online resources, downloadable resources and source code can be found at mddf.movielabs.com.

Training Materials

We are developing training materials for MDDF. These can be found in our MDDF Class. Feedback welcome!

White Papers

A Short Guide to Identifiers for the Digital Supply Chain, December 13, 2017

This document is a summary of how ALIDs, ContentID and EIDR are used in the digital supply chain. It explains key characteristics of each identifier, the roles each is intended to serve, and the interconnections between them. It also provides examples of how to construct ALIDs and ContentIDs from other preexisting IDs, such as an internal house ID or EIDR ID, as well as best practices and guidance for a few common use cases.

Supply Chain Automation for Digital Distribution of Movies and TV, July 27, 2017

The MovieLabs Digital Distribution Framework (MDDF) comprise a family of complementary, compatible specifications that address key aspects of online delivery; facilitating automation, providing cost savings, and enabling superior consumer experiences. These specifications are created and maintained through industry collaboration, and are open to all industry participants. Parties can adopt these individually or together, with the most benefit coming from greater adoption.