MovieLabs has developed specifications to help studios and retailers to create interactive experiences that allows user to navigate and view main features and additional media. Collectively, these specifications are collectively called Cross Platform Extras (CPE).
Next Gen sizzle from Studio Digital Showcase conference in Beverly Hills, CA 7 November 2017
A collection of cross studio interactive experiences live on multiple retailers
A display of various templates ranging from 360 experiences to IP themed trivia games to induce engagement
An introduction to the capabilities of the Next Gen CPE package
The essential pieces of CPE are
CPE-Manifest: defines data models with unambiguous encoding definitions that define the interrelationships between media elements. "Manifest" also defines structures for file delivery. CPE-Manifest includes companion specs for defining application data (CPE-AppData) and stle elements (CPE-Style).
CPE-HTML: defines an API between studios and retailers that supports portable interactivie experiences.
Interactivity Profiles: Specific instructions for use of the specifications in certain environments. Interactivity Profile 1 (IP1) defines most CPE-Manifest implementations.
Best Practices: Defines best uses of CPE-HTML and CPE-Manifest data.
Highlights from the NBCU hosted "NextGen" event at the Electric Cinema, London, 10 March 2016
Craig Seidel's technical presentation from the "NextGen" event at the Electric Cinema, London, 10 March 2016
For a more detailed overview, see this presentation.
Note: Application Data is coming soon...
Related Specifications
Common Extras Menu Metadata represents another approach to 'extras' metadata. Common Extras Menu allows the specification of a simple menu-based interactive experience similar to DVD. This specifciation was never completed, but the ideas led to Media Manifest and CPE-Manifest.