This page details the release history of Media Manifest.
Versioning: Number changes (e.g., 1.2) constitute schema changes. Letter changes (1.1c) are documentation-only changes.
Backwards Compatible means that elements were added, but old elements still exist. Therefore, an old XML document with the new namespace will validate. All updates are backwards compatible except 1.4 to 1.5
Version 1.12
This is version 1.12.
Version 1.12 Specification (December 23, 2022)
- Common Media Manifest Metadata, TR-META-MMM, Version 1.12, December 23, 2022 (PDF)
- Version showing changes from v1.11 (PDF)
Version 1.12 Schema
A presentation summarizing Common Metadata, MEC, Media Manifest and MMC upddates can be found here (PDF)
Annotated Changelist
Along with type corrections, updating links, and other minor fixes, the following changes were made:
- Timecode – Provide clarification around @dropframe (note that Common Metadata uses the same structure)
- @framerate, @multiplier, @dropframe, @format to describe timecode representation
- PresentationStart – the reference start
- AudioTrackStart, VideoTrackStart, SubtitleTrackStart – provides timecode alignment for specific tracks
- Note that a Best Practice was drafted to provide additional guidance.
- Added PresentationTimeline-type which addresses various ambiguities regarding timecode in Presentations and Playable Sequence
- Added ImageID to Markers to allow the inclusion of relevant images associated with the marker; for example, if the Marker identifies a distribution logo the image could be the logo
Version 1.11
The primary motivation for most of the Common Metadata Digital Asset Metadata as to provide more data in the Manifest's Inventory objects. These are all incorporated by reference to the Common Metadata types.
Version 1.11 Specification (December 28 , 2021)
Annotated Changelist
- Sequence Parsing added to Container Reference for Image Sequence
A presentation summarizing Common Metadata, MEC, Media Manifest and MMC upddates can be found here (PDF)
Version 1.10
Most Version 1.10 improvements come from Common Metadata 2.9 (referenced 2.9 schema). Other changes were made to support Product Status use cases.
Version 1.10, December 8, 2020
Backwards Compatible
Annotated Changelist
- Reference Common Metadata 2.9. Many of the changes in CM were targeted towards Manifest
- Added timecodes in form hh:mm:ss:ff. Corrected @dropframe encoding to reflect field being a xs:boolean
- Added Container and Asset intent (from Common Metadata)
A presentation summarizing Common Metadata, MEC, Media Manifest and MMC upddates can be found here (PDF)
Version 1.9
Version 1.9 improvements include those from Common Metadata 2.8 (referenced 2.8 schema), inclusion of data to support additional workflow use cases, especially in support of the Asset Ordering and Delivery and Media Delivery Core (MDC) specs.
A presentation summarizing Common Metadata, MEC, Media Manifest and MMC upddates can be found here (PDF)
Version 1.9, December 14, 2019
Backwards Compatible
Annotated Changelist
- Reference Common Metadata 2.8
- Added @subProfile to Profile, and ValidatorParameter to provide more flexibility added to support validation of specific configurations.
- For consistency in workflow attributes, reference attribute group from Common Metadata. This adds ‘timestamp’.
- Added support for listing deprecated ALIDs in ALIDExperienceMap. Older mechanism is still supported.
- Added @bonus to ExperienceID in ALIDExperienceMap to allow Bonus in Avails to control Experience mapping (i.e., different Experiences with and without bonus)
- Support multiple instances of ContainerReference in Inventory (when multiple containers are needed to create a single track, e.g., Atmos)
- Added Container Type and SubType (e.g., “IMF”, “2E”)
- Corrected InventoryMetadata-type/ContainerReference/@type to be optional (correct in schema)
- Clarified TextObject referencing.
- Added TimedEvent/TextGroupID/@index to align with schema
- Added Purpose and CardsetSeq to Clip and ImageClip.
- Added text Description to TrackMetadataPurpose-type
- Added InventorySingleTrack-type to reference one track only.
- Added support for non-linear playback (branching)
Version 1.8, 1.8.1
Version 1.8 improvements include those from Common Metadata 2.7 (referenced 2.7 schema), inclusion of data to support additional workflow use cases, ability to handle cards in PlayableSequence reducing need to have territory-specific Experiences, and improved support for TV (see MMC 2.0).
- Version 1.8 Specification, November 1, 2018
Backwards Compatible
Annotated Changelist
- Reference Common Metadata 2.7
- Workflow
- Added Source to MediaManifestEdit to support workflows
- Added delivery information (including Source) to MediaInventory for full workflow support.
- Added Region to PlayableSequence/Clip and ImageClip for regional cards
- Added RelatedExperienceID in ALIDExperienceMap to point to parent objects (e.g., series for season ALIDs).
- Indicate that when ExternalManifiestID is present but blank, Experience is external, even if Manifest ID is not known.
Version 1.7
Improvements include those from Common Metadata 2.6 (referenced 2.6 schema), improved picture handling, improved IMF referencing, improved App support in CPE, and workflow improvements. Breaking a manifest into pieces is supported, especially for episodic where episodes will be delivered separately from seasons.
- Version 1.7 Specification, December 11, 2017
Backwards Compatible
Annotated Changelist
- In PictureGroup/Picture, support for multiple image and thumbnail resolutions. And, addition of Picture Purpose(s) -- Provides means to supply all necessary images with the information needed to interpret them.
- Added IMF reference in Presentation -- An IMF CPL and OPL can corresponds with a Presentation. This provides a means to find those IMF objects. Note that this does not obviate the need for track metadata in the Inventory.
- Added external Manifest reference in ExperienceChild and in Inventory. -- Useful for use cases where Experience structures are delivered incrementally. The most important use case is Television where Series reference external Series, and Series reference external Epsiodes.
- Added Manifest Source information -- Supports the use case where a single service provider supports the same title for different licensors (differnet regions, or transfer of license rights).
- Clarified that Clip/@sequence need not be sequential
- Added versionDescription to support workflow attributes
- Added AppID to TimedEvent Sequence to enable specific application instances. Note that this reference Experience/App and can also reference CPE-AppData.
Version 1.6
Incorporated Common Metadata 2.5 features (referenced 2.5 schema).
Support for Immersive video including VARM (Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality) and 360 Video.
Improved image and interactive Digital Asset data.
Additioanl support for supply chain use cases.
- Version 1.6 Specification, December 20, 2016
Backwards Compatible
Annotated Changelist
- Presentations in schema is now optional (matches spec).
- Added @workflow to assist processing. Also added to ManifestEdit.
- Clarified file location nomenclature
- 360 degree video thumbnails
- Ability to reference Timed Text object(s) for proper display of timed text or graphics
- Add markers to Presentation (SMPTE 2067-3), such as start of credits.
- For preorder, App/AppGroupID and Gallery/PictureGroupID are optional
- Add Type/SubType to Experience for future use. Type=’external’ supports referencing Experiences in other files.
- Add deprecated entitlement IDs (for retailers to cross reference)
Structural change to Mainfest to avoid incorrect encoding. Supply chain improvements.
- Version 1.5 Specification, October 13, 2015
NOT Backwards Compatible
Experience structure previously allowed multiple instances of Audiovisual, App and Gallery. This was redundant with the more general ExperienceChild construct. In 1.4 there were two completely different means to encode the same information. 1.5 restricts this to the more general construct (ExperienceChild).
Annotated Changelist
Simplified Experience structure to simplify generation and processing (non-backwards compatible change mentioned above)
- Only one instance of audiovisual, app, or gallery is now allowed.
- Removed option to include metadata in Experience. Must be referencable (e.g., in Inventory).
Added Profile in compatibility to convey which the profile to which the Manifest complies.
Timed Event-related:
Added People and Product (GTIN) to Timed Event.
- Added ability to specify multiple prioritized Locations in Inventory and FileManifest
- Provided the ability to deliver an Interactive Media Manifest as a Delivery Manifest’s Inventory
- Added language to text group to allow correct text to be selected based on the playback language. Multiple instances of TextGroupID added to Timed Events.
Added ability to determine which Dub Card or audiovisual track corresponds with an audio language track.
Version 1.4
Release to support Cross-Platform Extras (CPE-Manifest) features.
- Version 1.4 Specification, June 12, 2015
Backwards Compatible
Annotated Changelist
- Timed Events
- Event Location
- Text Objects
- Thumbnail support in images
- Application and Gallery Basic Metadata'
- Region-specific child sequencing (i.e., episode sequencing)
- Track-level Media Profile support in Presentation
Version 1.3
Support for HDR and ancillary tracks, inline metadata and pre-sale.
- Version 1.3 Specification, February 10, 2015
Backwards Compatible
Annotated Changelist
- Reference Common Metadata 2.2 to incorporate latest HDR metadata and Ancillary tracks
- Added means to encode metadata in the Inventory to reduce redundancy
- Updated Audiovisual to support content-less deliveries (i.e., pre-sale)
Version 1.2
Schema-only release
- Version 1.2 (schema-only), October 15, 2014 (references Common Metadata 2.2)
Version 1.1
Minor update.
- Version 1.1a Specification, September 16, 2014
Backwards Compatible
Annotated Changelist
- Added updateNum to Experience-Type
- Allowed multiple instances of SubType in Audiovisual-type
- Added FileDeleteManifest and MediaManifestEdit to support delivery use cases.
Version 1.0
Initial release
Version 1.0 Specification, July 1, 2014
File delivery
These best practice describes approriate usage of Avails, Media Manifest and File Manifest for deliverying files through distribution to a retailer. These are intended for studios; post production companies providing distribution services; and for retailer or any other party receiving media files and/or metadata.
Using Media Manifest, File Manifest and Avails for file Delivery (Best Practice), BP-META-MMMD, v1.2, October 13, 2015 (PDF), showing differences from v1.1 (PDF)
Interoperable Master Format (IMF)
The following document describes how to use Media Manifest with Interoperable Mastering Format (IMF) as described in the in the SMPTE ST 2067 family of standards. This is useful in conjunction with File Delivery desribed above.
Using Common Media Format with Interoperable Media Format, TR-META-MMMIFM, v0.5a, July 23, 2015 (PDF, Word)
Seamless Playback
The following best pratice describes a process for ensuring seamless playback of Playable Sequences.
Seamless Sequential Playaback (Best Practice), BP-META-MMMSP, June 12, 2015 (PDF)
Using Media Manifest, File Manifest and Avails for file Delivery (Best Practice), BP-META-MMMD, v1.1, June 12, 2015 (PDF), showing differences from v1.0 (PDF)
Using Media Manifest, File Manifest and Avails for file Delivery (Best Practice), BP-META-MMMD, v0.7, August 1, 2014 (PDF, Word). Version showing changes to v0.8 (PDF, Word)
Using Media Manifest, File Manifest and Avails for file Delivery (Best Practice), BP-META-MMMD, v0.6, June 8, 2014 (PDF, Word). Version showing changes to 0.7 (PDF, Word)
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