This page details the release history of Media Entertainment Core (MEC).

Versioning: Number changes (e.g., 1.2 and 2.4) constitute schema changes. Letter changes (2.3c) are documentation-only changes.

Backwards Compatible means that elements were added, but old elements still exist. Therefore, an old XML document with the new namespace will validate.

Current Release

VERSION 2.11 Schema

Only the schema was updated for 2.11. This incorporates changes from Common Metadata v2.11.

VERSION 2.10 Schema

Only the schema was updated for 2.10. This incorporates changes from Common Metadata v2.10.

VERSION 2.9 Schema

Only the schema was updated for 2.9. This incorporates changes from Common Metadata v2.9.

Version 2.8 Specification

This version leverages Common Metadata v2.8 (December 14, 2019). MEC version 2.8 relaxes requirements for short versions of titles and synopsis as current practice requires only longer fields.

A presentation summarizing Common Metadata, MEC, Media Manifest and MMC upddates can be found here (PDF)

Version 2.8 Specification

  • Media Entertainment CoreMetadata,TR-META-MEC, v2.8, December 14, 2019 (PDF)
    • Version showing changes from v2.6 (PDF) [There was no 2.7 spec, just schema]


    • Updated to reference Common Metadata 2.8
    • Added Compatibility for conveying version (same structure as Media Manifest)
    • Changed Title length from 60 to unlimited
    • Strengthened recommendation to use TitleSort
    • Corrected element names

Previous Releases

Version 2.8 Schema

Changelist (same as spec)

    • Updated to reference Common Metadata 2.8
    • Added Compatibility for conveying version (same structure as Media Manifest)
    • Changed Title length from 60 to unlimited
    • Strengthened recommendation to use TitleSort
    • Corrected element names

Version 2.7, 2.7.1

Only change is reference to Common Metadata v2.7 (November 1, 2018).

Version 2.6

  • Version 2.6 Specification
    • Media Entertainment CoreMetadata,TR-META-MEC, v2.6, December 11, 2017 (PDF)
      • Version showing changes from v2.5 (PDF)
  • Version 2.6 Schema
  • Changelist
    • Updated to reference Common Metadata 2.6 schema, taking advantage of all 2.6 enhancements
    • Added delivery objects -- Makes it possible to deliver LocalizedInfo by itself; useful for localization workflows.
    • Shifted requirement from Summary190 to Summary400 -- Plaforms need the longer summaries.
    • Made TitleSort optional -- Not all workflows needed this. However, be warned, this is an important field that is often neglected at the expense of consumer experience.

Version 2.5

Version 2.4

Version 2.3

Version 2.2

Version 2.1

  • Version 2.1 Specification

Version 2.0

Version 1.2

Version 1.0


Controlled Vocabularies


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